Picture of Nwanguma Chibuzo Ikechi

Nwanguma Chibuzo Ikechi Dr., Department of Religious & Philosophy

Area(s) of Specialization/Research Interests

Christian Studies (Biblical Studies majoring in New Testament)


PhD, Religious Studies (Christian Studies, Biblical Studies)

Academic Credentials

PhD 2011, M. Mss 2002, MA 2003, PGDE 2008, BA 1997, Dip 1988

Professional Association



1 Chris U. Manus & Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2021) “Onesimus, Philemon's Runaway Slave-boy: A Brief Liberation-Theological Exegesis of Philm vv. 8-18 in the Nigerian Context” AOSIS: HTS Theological Studies (University of Pretoria, SA) (77)1 https://hts.org.za/index.php/hts/rt/printerFriendly/6016/18711-Updated on: 23Jun22
2 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2020) “Building an Egalitarian Society through Hints from the Gospels: A Study of the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12)” IJHT: International Journal of Humanitatis Theoreticus. Vol. 3. Issue 1, (University of Youndé, Cameroon), pp. 263-277 https://www.integhumanitatis.com/product/building-an-egalitarian-society-through-hints-from-the-gospels-a-study-of-the-golden-rule-matt-712-by-chibuzo-i-nwanguma/-Updated on: 23Jun22
3 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2020) “Warning to the Rich Oppressors in James 5:1-6: A Recipe for Nigerian Well-Being” TSU: Jalingo Journal of Religious Studies – A Publication of the Christian Religious Studies Department, Taraba State University, Nigeria, Vol. 4, pp. 49-65-Updated on: 23Jun22
4 Joseph A. Ampitan, and Chibuzo I. Nwanguma, 2020, “Coronavirus: the Pedagogical Pandemic” Oyo: ACU Journal of Humanities (ACUJOH), A Journal of Faculty of Humanities, Vol. 3 No 1, pp. 88-98-Updated on: 23Jun22
5 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2019) “Interpreting 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 in the Light of Church Building and Accountability in Nigeria” (IJOURELS: Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies, UNILORIN, Ilorin) Vol. 9 No 2, December, 2019, pp. 75-93, http://ejournals.unilorin.edu.ng/journals/index.php/ijourels/issue/view/211/Nwanguma-Updated on: 23Jun22
6 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2019) “An Exegetical Study of Jesus’ Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30) in Relation to Economic and Material Development in Nigeria,” A Referred Proceeding of the 30th Annual Conference of Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS) held at Benue State University, Makudi, Nigeria in 2017, pp. 65-80: A Commissioned/Lead Paper @ the Conference-Updated on: 23Jun22
7 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma, (2018) “Peaceful Co-Existence in Nigeria: An Analytical Study of Christian Perspective of Neighbourliness” IJIH: International Journal of Integrative Humanism, Vol. 9 No 1, (University of Cape Coast, Ghana), pp. 144-152 https://ediomsric.com/international-journal-of-integrativehumanism/-Updated on: 23Jun22
8 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2018) Biblical Missions and Church Growth Strategies: the Nigerian Examples, Beau Bassin: Lambert Academic Publishing https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/biblical-missions-and-church-growth-strategies/isbn/978-613-9-84593-4-Updated on: 23Jun22
9 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma and Alex Attah (2018) “Peter’s Theology of Good Citizenship in 1 Peter 2:13-17 As Motivation for Christian Participation in Political Issues in Nigeria” Oyo: ACU Journal of Humanities (ACUJOH), A Journal of Faculty of Humanities, Vol. 1 No 2, pp. 172-192-Updated on: 23Jun22
10 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2017) “Pauline Pursuit of Excellence (Phil. 4:8-9) as a Prerequisite for Peaceful Co-Existence in Africa” NASR: Journal of the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 185-200-Updated on: 23Jun22
11 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2017) “A Missiological Study of Paul’s Model in Christian Ministry” Akungba-Akoko JORAC: Journal of Religion and African Culture, Vol. V/2, pp. 110-123-Updated on: 23Jun22
12 Cibuzo I. Nwanguma (2017) “Interplay between Corruption and Poverty in Africa: A Recurring Decimal in Nigeria” JRC: Journal of Religion and Culture (UNIPORT) Vol. 17 No 1, pp. 92-116-Updated on: 23Jun22
13 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2017) “Impact of Synoptic Gospels on African Marriage Institution: Divorce and Remarriage Question” Ama: Journal of Theatre and Cultural Studies, Vol. 12 No 1, pp. 180-207-Updated on: 23Jun22
14 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2017) “Paul and Hard Work (2 Thessalonians 3:6-10): A Christian Approach to Social and Economic Development” Awka: UJAH Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 200-215 http://dx.doi./org/10.4314/ujah.v18i1.10-Updated on: 23Jun22
15 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2016) “Religion and Culture: A Study of Amuzu People in Aboh Mbasie LGA of Imo State, Nigeria” ANUJAT: Journal of Applied Thought, Vol. 5 No 2, (All Nations’ University, Ghana), https://mafiadoc.com/vol-5-2cdr-all-nations-university_59eb4f8f1723ddf23dd79940.htm-Updated on: 23Jun22
16 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2016) “African Pentecostalism and Mission in Nigeria and in the Diaspora: The Redeemed Evangelical Mission” Jos: JUSREL: Journal of University Scholars in Religions Vol. 6, pp. 132-146-Updated on: 23Jun22
17 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2016) “A comparative Analysis of Paul’s Mission Methods and Deeper Life Bible Church” Akungba-Akoko JORAC: Journal of Religion and African Culture, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 57-70-Updated on: 23Jun22
18 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2015) “Missionary Enterprises in the Old Testament Literature” ANUJAT: Journal of Applied Thought, Vol. 4 No 2 (All Nations’ University Ghana), pp. 151-169 https://ghanjol.org.gh/index.php/anujat-Updated on: 23Jun22
19 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2015) “Paul’s Teaching on Love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13): an Ethical Basis for Prosperous, United and Developed Africa: Nigeria in Perspective” Ibadan: Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. XLVII No I & 2, pp. 213-233-Updated on: 23Jun22
20 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2015) “A Study of Pauline Mission in Nigerian Context: A Review of Deeper Life & TREM Ministries” NASR: Journal of the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions, Vol. 25, No 1, pp. 82-101-Updated on: 23Jun22
21 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2015) “Religious Tolerance in a Pluralistic State: a Fundamental Basis for Technological Development in Nigeria” MIJ: Madonna Int’l Journal of Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 18-26-Updated on: 23Jun22
22 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2015) “Church and Society: Examining the Intersection in Politics, Economics, Socio-Justice and Social Welfare” Religion and Society Vol. 5, (UI, Ibadan), pp. 248-263-Updated on: 23Jun22
23 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2014) “Paul’s Idea of Conflict between the Spirit and Flesh (Gal. 5:13-18) in Relation to Plato’s Concept of the Soul with Reference to Freud’s Psychology of the Mind” IJTRT: International Journal of Theology & Reformed Tradition, Vol. 6, (UNN) pp. 150-162 www.academicexcellencesociety.com/pauls_idea_of_conflict_between_the_spirit_and...-Updated on: 23Jun22
24 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2014) “James’ Concept of Wisdom (James 3:13-18): a Veritable Tool for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria?” AJBS: African Journal of Biblical Studies, Vol. XXXII, Ibadan, No. 1 & 2, PP. 181-198-Updated on: 23Jun22
25 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2014) “Romans 12: 1-2 in the Light of Justice and Peace in Nigeria: An Interpretation” NASR: Journal of the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions, Vol. 24 No. I, pp. 29-44-Updated on: 23Jun22
26 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2014) “Re-Reading ‘Living in Peace with our Neighbours’ (Rom. 12:17-18) in Relation to Security Challenges in Nigeria” Insight: Journal of Religious Studies, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State Nigeria, Vol.10, pp. 67-74-Updated on: 23Jun22
27 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2013) “Theology and Human Development: Issues and Prospects” WAATI: West African Association of Theological Institutions, No. 8, Vol. II (Kumasi), pp. 16-31-Updated on: 23Jun22
28 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2013) “Missionary Mandate of God in Jesus” Insight: Journal of Religious Studies, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria, Vol. 9, pp. 90-103-Updated on: 23Jun22
29 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2012) “Religion, Politics and National Development: Problems and Prospects” IJTRT: International Journal of Theology & Reformed Tradition Vol. 4, (UNN), pp. 124-136 scholar.google.com/citations?user=Wg1-isQAAAAJ&hl=en-Updated on: 23Jun22
30 Chibuzo I. Nwanguma (2012) “Pauline Missiology in Relation to Missions in The Redeemed Evangelical Mission of Nigeria” Orisu: Journal of Religion and Human Values, (OOU, Ago Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria), Vol. II, No II, pp. 16-38-Updated on: 23Jun22