GBENLE GRACE OLAYINKA Dr., Department of Religious & Philosophy

Area(s) of Specialization/Research Interests

RELIGIOUS STUDIES (Sociology of Religion- Religious economy and economic issues; Gender and biomedical issues in Religion)


Sociology of Religion- Religious economy and economic issues; Gender and biomedical issues in Religion

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. in Religious Studies (Sociology of Religion) (2023) University of Ibadan, PGDE (2021) FCE Abeokuta, TRCN (2022), M.A in Religious Studies (Sociology of Religion) (2014), B.A (Hons) Religious Studies (2010)

Professional Association

TRCN- Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria ASSOSER- African Society for the Study of Sociology and Ethics of Religion NASR- Nigerian Association for the Study of Religion NACS- National Association for Christian Studies AASR- African Association for the Study of Religion


1 Gbenle G.O. (2023) “The Socio-economic Implications of Christmas Festival in Lagos State, Nigeria. Mountain Top University Journal for the College of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences (JHUMAN) Vol.1, No. 3, (Published)-Updated on: 18Jan24
2 Gbenle G.O. (2023) “The Contributions of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries to Educational Sector in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. Ajayi Crowther University Journal of Religious Studies (ACUJORES) Vol.1, No. 2, July, 2023. (Published)-Updated on: 18Jan24
3 Gbenle G.O. and Awofeko E. (2022) “Socio Trends in Neo-Pentecostal Churches and its Influence on Social Change: The Nigerian Experience in Journal of African Society for the study of Sociology and ethic of Religion (JASSOSER) Vol.10 December, 2022. Pp.143-170. ISSN: 2682-5643 (Published)-Updated on: 18Jan24
4 Akindolie A.A & Olofingbaika G.O. (2019) “Application of Social Laws in the Sermon on the Mount as the Panacea for Societal Unhealthy Living in Nigeria” Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies-(NABIS)Western Zone. Pp. 120-130. ISBN – 978-978-310-542-9 (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22
5 Gbenle G.O (2019) “Inculcating Max Weber’s Protestant Ethics as a model for sustainable development in Nigeria” Paper Presented at 39th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions, 2018. (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22
6 Gbenle G.O. (2018) “ The Sociological implications of Church involvement in family formation: A case study of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries in Journal of African Society for the study of Sociology and ethic of Religion (JASSOSER) Vol.4 December, 2018. Pp.175-195. ISSN: 2682-5643 (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22
7 Gbenle G.O. (2018) “ Socio-Religious issues in the debate on Masculinity in Yorubaland, Nigeria in KIUJHU, Vol. 3(4), December, 2018 ISSN: 2415-0843 (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22
8 Gbenle G.O. (2018) “Genotype phenomenon and marriage compatibility among Nigerian Pentecostals: An ethical response of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries” in KIUJHU, Vol. 4(3), September, 2018 ISSN: 2413-9580 (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22
9 Olofingbaika G. O. (2017) “The changing patterns in the marriage creed in Christianity and its implications for the Society” A Journal of the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions, (NASR)Vol. 27 No.2, July 2017. Pp. 117-128 ISSN:0794-3989 (Published)-Updated on: 27Jun22